Wednesday, March 27, 2013

They Called Friends Part II

Hello let's continue our story then.
Hmm. Yeah I bet I'm individual person. Very individual and I have no close friend except these guys.
Yeah I think....

We met in coincidence.
First I met June and Jason, we're at the same class. But I don't pay attention to them. Really.
Until me, June and Jason became a group on biology practical work.

Seriously, they're Chinese-Malaysian.
I thought that they're Japanese at the first time -_-
They speak Mandarin very well, and can't speak bahasa. OMG what should I dooooo?
Luckily they speak English too but with their Mandarin accent. So clueless for the first time.

And this is Jason Ong Zinc Jian.
A boy who bet that he's Lee Taemin. Annoys me a lot.
But cares like daddy, protects me a lot like protects his daughter.
Concerns with my condition, scolds me, bullies me every time, ah it always end up quarrel with him.
But he has a warm heart. He's a hard worker and he's my Mom's piano student.
He's like boyband and make me mock him and labeling him as 'boyband member' hahaha.
And this is Jason's appearance....

And let me introduce you to June.
He's Lew Junn Yi. A boy with glasses hahaha.
Yeah first time we met we're debated about color of biology object on object glass -__-
He's clever but lazy. Very lazy haha. When we gonna face exam he always prepare muchhhhhh papers then resume the lessons.
His dream is become a professional athlete but now he's a future vet.
He's kind and always bring 1,5 liter water on class hahaha!
He's really good in basketball! Few girls on my class are crazy with him.
He's not handsome enough but he's charming! I bet it.
He always taking care of me as best friend. He's a good listener too.
And here he is...

And the last is my koko, Lee Shinh Nian.
Yeah he's the oldest among all hahaha. Maybe I should call him grandpa after this/XD
He's soooooooooooo kind! Care and always remind me to take care of my condition because now I fell sick easily. He has warm heart too. Always making me do lottery on basketball court by doing free throw hahahaha!
He's romantic, see by his way chases a girl hahaha.
He's a good listener. A very good doctor soon to be!
He's very good doing sport like basketball too.
He's humble, down to earth but sometimes he's a bit too much hahaha!
And here he is...

The conclusion is....
They're so kindddd, super kind I mean.
They're funny but sometimes they bully me! So annoying hahaha.

I dunno why I haven't feel this way, too attach with guys like this.
Just-like-family. Just-friends-at-the-first-sight.
Ah happy to have besties like you all.

We're hanging out together, doing sport especially basketball together, we're studying together, we're mocking each other, we're caring each other, we're bullying each other, we're laughing together and I feel no sadness beside them. They're sooooooo comfortable I think.

People always said that I'm in a relationship with them.
But hell no. They're my family and nothing's gonna change that.
Thanks for always caring, always making me laugh and happy, thanks for always be there whenever I need some helps.

XIE XIE NI! <3 /bye

They Called Friends Part I

Hello fellasssss!
Ah long time no see <3
I've been busy with college activities -really really really tired actually-
But my friend reminded me to always smile whatever my condition's like. Hell yeah.
Such a good advice theeeeeen.

I don't have any story to tell.
Too much interesting story I mean.
And I can't explain one by one here.
Hmm.... What if I tell you about my friends?

Yeah I really have many many friends hereeeee. So happy <3
 Let me introduce you with my roommates then my besties...

This is Fitria Wulandari.
She's really funny, kind, smart. Yeah such an A type of girl I think.
She's tall! Has fair skin and my friends usually call her with Girls' Generation's name. Yeah you know. Im Yoon Ah hahahaha!
She has a bad habit on her sleep, she's sometimes soooo exaggerate but I love it.
And here she is....

And I have a friend named Amalia Aviliani.
She's really has a good manner, she's kind, funny, and always be our mother hahaha!
She loves her boyfriend a looooooot! But she's like Wulan toooo, sometimes she's exaggerate and a bit too much.
Here she is....

And the last but not least is Ni Luh Gede Mitariastini.
She's from Bali. And she's the smartest among all. She got the highest mark.
She's really really straight-forward, but sometimes she's childish.
Loves her boyfriend a looooot! She's not chinese but her lifestyle I think is typical Chinese hahaha.
Here she is.......

That's all I think hahaha.
We're going bad and good together.
We're make our day off on social gathering -something that's not important-
We're hang out, we're study, we chill together.
Share room and hold our ego.
Yeah sooooo LUCKY to have friends like them.

Continue to next partttttt~

Deani Dara Ninggar

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

IPB Dorm

Hello minna-sama /hi
Long time no see eh? Yap finally we meet again. So glad to see you reader!
Yap finally I brought my boyfriend (read: laptop) on dorm.

I wanna make a little explanation about IPB Dorm.
I mean Sylvasari Dorm.
Here we go.....

'Welcome to the jungle' is my first impression in this dorm,
just imagine that another dorms built near campus and Sylvasari dorm built between IPB's jungle huahahaha!
But it's cool eh? I can see squirrel even variety of birds everyday wow~

I have 3 room mates. They're Wulan from Riau, Mita from Bali and Amel from Jember.
They're kind haha although it was very awkward at the first time...
Ah yaaa. Wanna see my room?

Wulan and me share the left bunk bed, Mita and Amel share the right bunk bed

Me and Wulan's bunk bed. Me at the upstair yippieee!

My messy desk

It was fun! Completely fun...
Unfortunately I 'm only live for a year in this dorm.
Okay that's all, see ya next meeting minna-san. /bye

Monday, July 30, 2012

Kissing Goodbye

Hello guys! Maybe this is my last day in Depok. Yap I wanna kiss the memories goodbye. I'm in a process to take an adult' stair. Yippieee!! I'm gonna be a student on Bogor Agricultural University. Sedih memang harus pindah ninggalin Depok, ninggalin rumah, ninggalin keluarga, ninggalin teman-teman karena ada ketentuan untuk asrama disana selama 1 tahun. Itu berarti, gue disana harus ngapa ngapain sendiri. Nyuci baju, makan harus diluar terus karena ga ada dapur umum, tidur juga barengnya sama temen sekamar. Oke disini gue agak takut juga buat pindah dari zona nyaman gue yang biasanya gue disini santai santai dan tiba-tiba harus ngurus apa-apa kepunyaan gue sendiri. Gue ga ngebayangin gue yang pelupa sama ceroboh gitu mau ditaruh di asrama. Yang biasanya orang-orang sekitar gue udah biasa ngeliat gue ceroboh sama lupa sama barang-barang sampai mereka ikutan ngejagain barang-barang gue. Ya Allah parah bangetlah pokoknya.

Alhamdulillahnya disana gue udah ada temen juga, yaaa dulu teman-teman SMP dan SMA ada juga senior-senior yang baik banget. Bayangin aja gue belum kuliah udah dikasih pinjem buku TPB sama ada yang bakal nemenin gue keliling kampus! Gue juga dikasih tau macem-macem sama mereka dinasehatin ini-itu. Terus ketemu juga sama teman-teman baru pas registrasi, well... Sepertinya mereka juga baik-baik hehe.

Gue disana bakal lamaaa mungkin 3 atau 4 tahunlah, kalau udah ga asrama ya gue bakal ngekost. Yaa diusahain kalau liburan ya gue pulang, kalau bisa ya tiap minggu gue pulang! Bakal kangen banget sama Ibu, Ayah, Ade dirumah /floor

Baik baik yaa semuanya pas gue tinggal hahaha. Gue mau belajar mandiri dulu, belajar jadi keren dulu, kuliah yang bener benerlah pokoknya jangan sampai ngecewain Ibu sama Ayah. See ya /bye

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Breakfast This Morning

Selamat pagi reader yang baik dan berbahagia pagi ini *kayak blog gue dibaca orang aja ya hahaha* /hi

Saya mau cerita dikit boleh yaa?
Saya agak agak ga rela ngelepas masa remaja SMA saya sebenernya, tapi mau gimana lagikan setiap orang lama lama jadi dewasa dan saya sendiri ngerasa saya harus berubah hehe.

Jadi orang dewasa itu berat, banyak masalah, banyak yang harus ditanggung tapi insyaAllah banyak bahagianya juga kan? Saya juga memang harus belajar ikhlas. Ngerelain macem macem hal yang saya sukai pergi dari saya. Kayak waktu kumpul sama keluarga, kehilangan passion saya di Sastra Jepang padahal saya udah cintanya setengah mati sama sastra Jepang dan udah bikin plan hidup saya dengan sastra Jepang itu sampai 5 tahun kedepan, mengikhlaskan beasiswa Monbukagakusho juga dan lain lainlah banyak banget yang harus diikhlaskan. Saya malah kesasar di fakultas kehutanan yang saya sama sekali ga ngerti harus belajar apa. Sekali lagi Allah tau mana yang baik buat saya /wahaha

Tapi saya pengen banget satu sih mimpi terbesar saya saat ini mudah mudahan dengan di fakultas kehutanan ini masih bisa bawa saya buat belajar di Jepang. Saya juga sempet seneeeeng banget baca kalau kampus saya kerjasama sama Todai, Kyoto University dll. Saya mau belajar yang giat, mau usaha biar dapet beasiswa ke Jepang. Saya tetep ga pengen ngebuang Jejepangan-jejepangan sayalah istilahnya. Mungkin saya kalau udah cinta banget sama sesuatu bakal diusahain sampe habis. Yaa saya juga seneng, mudah mudahan saya bisa mengikuti jejak Pakde, Bude, tante-tante dan om-om saya yang sukses dan mulai semuanya dari nol.
Mulai sekarang saya harus fokus, fokus buat sukses, fokus buat bahagiain orangtua, fokus buat dapat masa depan yang bagus, fokus buat jadi perempuan yang hebat yang lebih dari hebat kalau bisa. Jadi perempuan yang bisa ngeraih kesempatan-kesempatan yang Allah kasih buat saya dengan bijak.